RFID Inquiry Form RFID Sales Qualification QuestionnairePlease complete as thoroughly as possible and provide to the project management team of RFID Pakistan at info@rfid-pakistan.com Following receipt, a Project Manager will review and contact you with any questions and/or reach out to schedule a discovery meeting with the client to review the details.1. Organization / Company Name*2. Primary Contact Person Full Name with Designation / Department*3. Email address*4. Website*5. Company Address*6. City Name*7. Mobile / Whatsapp*8. Detail of RFID Solution requirements. What are the problems being faced to be solved?9. Has a budget been established for RFID Solution?*YesNo10 If yes, what is their budget?*5 to 10 lac10 to 50 lac50 lac to 1 crore1 crore Plus11. Project will be allocated to vendor through?TenderQuotation12. If Quotation, what is the financial limit per project?13. What is the timeframe around the initiative?14. What is the main purpose of the RFID initiative, (Select multiple, if required)?*Fixed Asset Tracking Logistics ManagementInventory ControlTheft Controlling SystemJewelry ManagementSupply Chain/Warehouse Industrial AutomationAttendance ManagementFile / Document TrackingLaundry ManagementVehicle TrackingParking Management SystemSuper Stores Customer AttractionSchool Gate Pick/Drop ManagementWorkers Performance MonitoringContainer Tracking SystemGuard Patrolling SystemTraffic Management SystemToll Gate ManagementWork in Progress TrackingDress Trial Room Analytics15. How many locations will RFID be implemented (Mention locations with City Names) ?16. How many Entrance / Exit points/gates per location to be monitored? (Mention sizes of gates [ height /width ] ?17. Need ERP integration?YesNoMay be18. If yes, what ERP will we be integrated (Also mention your ERP and Database Name)?19. What Radio Frequency (RF) are they looking to implement?LF 125-135 Khz - Low Frequency (Read Range 1 to 3 CM)HF 13.56 MHz - High Frequency (Read Range 1 to 3 feet)UHF 865-868 MHz - Ultra High Frequency (Read Range upto 12 metersUnknown20. Current RF systems and frequencies they operate at; if any :21. What read distance are you attempting to achieve?22. What type of RFID readers are they interested in implementing? Fixed Readers with AntennaIntegrated ReadersHandheld ReadersDesktop ReadersRFID PrintersRFID Security Gates23. How many read points/gateways/portals are they anticipating? 24. Will the solution require sensor or location technology (i.e. temperature, humidity, GPS)?YesNoMay be25. How many tags need to read by RFID Reader / Antennas at once?1-910-1920-2930+26. What type of materials will be tagged: (select multiple, if required)MetalPlasticGlassCardboardOther27. Products Packaging :Paper CartonMetalPlasticGlassWood28. How many RFID tags will be required annually to be pasted on products?*1,000 - 5,0005.000 - 10,00010,000 - 50,00050,000 - 100,000100,000 - 500,000500,000 - 1,000,0001,000,000 - 10,000,00029. How do they plan on attaching tags?30. Any size limitations for tags?31. How will the tag be used?*OnceReusable32. Do you need the services of RFID technical team at all locations on permanent basis ?YesNoMaybe33. Annual Maintenance Contract will be required after completion of project ?YesNoMaybe34. Other DetailsUpload Pictures of location, products and gates to be scanned. Browse...SendThis field should be left blank